Energy Efficient End-use Equipment (4E)

Published: January 30, 2019 by International Energy Agency (IEA)

Project Gigaton, Sustainable Energy

Fourteen countries from the Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America have joined together under the forum of 4E to share information and transfer experience in order to support good policy development in the field of energy efficient appliances and equipment.

They recognise the huge benefits for energy security, economic development and greenhouse gas abatement from maximising the use of energy efficiency to meet future energy demand.

4E focuses on appliances and equipment since this is one of the largest and most rapidly expanding areas of energy consumption. With the growth in global trade in these products, 4E members find that pooling expertise is not only an efficient use of available funds, but results in outcomes that are far more comprehensive and authoritative.

However, 4E does more than sharing information - it also initiates projects designed to meet the policy needs of participants, enabling better informed policy making. The main collaborative research and development activities can be found by following the links to 4E Annexes and Projects.

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