Shifting the Focus from End-of-Life Recycling to Continuous Product Lifecycles

Published: February 23, 2019 by GreenBiz

Behind the word “recycling” lie myriad issues that present an important challenge to organizations that have a stake in the responsible management of the end-of-life products. From adopting different metrics to measuring the success of recycling programs to an increasing demand for tailored solutions, recycling should not be looked at in a vacuum but as part of a larger system where costs and the release of greenhouse gases and toxics, among others, inhabit.

We recognize the challenges of the ever-changing dynamics surrounding product stewardship, and we’ve commissioned the White Paper entitled: Shifting the Focus from End-Of-Life Recycling to Continuous Product Lifecycles, with the interest of sharing the insights that stem from our 20 plus years of experience in battery stewardship. – Carl Smith, president and CEO, Call2Recycle, Inc.

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