SFC’s “Smart Freight Leadership” Report

Published: February 9, 2019 by Smart Freight Leadership

Level 1: Engage, Level 2: Execute

Green Freight

"SFC’s “Smart Freight Leadership” report explains the journey along the five central elements that define leadership. This report is for leaders, and especially business leaders, who believe that a more efficient freight and logistics sector goes hand in hand with greater competitiveness and environmental sustainability.
Global freight is projected to triple between 2015 and 2050 and accounts for about 7% of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. Compared to 2015, freight emissions might increase by 76% by 2050 but should reduce between 19 – 64% under a 1.5-2 degreesC scenario under the Paris Climate Agreement. A transformational shift towards decarbonizing this sector requires reducing emissions intensity and freight tonne-km.

Our vision is “Smarter Freight” which equates to a journey towards efficient and environmentally sustainable global freight and logistics sector. SFC developed the Smart Freight Leadership Framework to create a common approach for what is needed for government, the private sector and civil society to deliver the vision, and achieve the desired transformational change and emission reductions at scale. "

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