Consumers want products made with the safest available chemicals. Businesses are responding with policies and practices that target key chemicals of concern for removal. But what chemicals will fill their place? What happens when preferred alternatives aren’t readily available?
Businesses have a major challenge and opportunity to meet growing demand for safer chemicals and products. EDF’s new report Smart Innovation outlines a practical approach to safer design that works toward meeting this demand and creating a more sustainable and healthy marketplace.
The webinar will share highlights from EDF’s report and also review customer demand trends, business perspectives around safer chemical and products, and different approaches being taken to accelerate safer innovation.
Speakers: Boma Brown-West, Senior Manager of Consumer Health, Environmental Defense Fund; Zach Freeze, Senior Director of Special Initiatives and Sustainability Director, Walmart; Jennifer McPartland, Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund Health Program; Martin Mulvihill, Partner at Safer Made; Entrepreneur in residence at Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry; Martin Wolf, Director of Sustainability & Authenticity, Seventh Generation