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Katie Schindall on Cisco’s holistic approach to circular economy

Published: November 20, 2020

Katie Schindall on Cisco’s holistic approach to circular economy

This video is sponsored by Cisco.

“By drawing connections across the different pieces of it, we see opportunities that we may not otherwise connect. We have a focus on operations and we work with our supply chain around reducing resource use and waste and we also have a focus on design. By focusing on our suppliers and bringing those ideas of the circular economy into how we work with our suppliers, they come up with ideas that in turn help us to achieve goals that we may have around product and packaging design.”

Lauren Phipps, director & senior analyst of circular economy at GreenBiz, interviewed Katie Schindall, director of circular economy at Cisco during the VERGE 20 virtual event (October 26-30, 2020). View archived videos from the conference here:

taylor flores Fri, 11/20/2020 – 08:44
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